Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gastric Bypass Before And After Pictures Why Do People Look So Old After Weight Loss From Gastric Bypass?

Why do people look so old after weight loss from gastric bypass? - gastric bypass before and after pictures

I have tons of before / after pictures, and it is thinner, but the habit of watching the situation because they will look at least 10 years!


Seagull said...

Your weight loss is usually rapid weight loss without exercise, not weight lifting especially. When this happens, you lose a lot of muscle mass that makes your skin appear weak and emaciated.

Seagull said...

Your weight loss is usually rapid weight loss without exercise, not weight lifting especially. When this happens, you lose a lot of muscle mass that makes your skin appear weak and emaciated.

ndcase07 said...

Old ... so old in the face? Because if they were bigger, they had more skin to cover them, and now they have lost too quickly to cause the skin appearance will have wrinkled. What people do not know is that the skin 2 years to heal, this type of weight loss after weight loss is free has. It happens to everyone, I have at least not yet adopted.

ndcase07 said...

Old ... so old in the face? Because if they were bigger, they had more skin to cover them, and now they have lost too quickly to cause the skin appearance will have wrinkled. What people do not know is that the skin 2 years to heal, this type of weight loss after weight loss is free has. It happens to everyone, I have at least not yet adopted.

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