Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alan 42 Multi Forum Biblical Names Survey: Which Of These Boys' Names Are In The Bible?

Biblical names survey: Which of these boys' names are in the Bible? - alan 42 multi forum

Hello! Do you want my biblical name of the survey? The aim of this study was to determine the names of people believe that it biblical. Please read each of them interested - I'm looking for your first impressions. Simply copy and paste the list below and write "yes" or "No" next to each name - "Yes" if you think the name is in the Bible and "no" if you think that name is not in the Bible found. This game has no name, so no matter how much of Get Right. Best answer goes to the person who brings the most interesting comments made at the end.

What do you think of these names are in the Bible?
1. Adam
2. Patrick
3. Darius
4. Damian
5. Alexander
6. Maximilian
7. Lisandro
8. Demetrius
9. Julius
10. Octavio
11. Augustus
12. Paul
13. Thomas
14. William
15. James
16. Christopher
17. Henry
18. John
19. Peter
20. Samuel
21. David
22. Ethan
23. Nathan
24. Nicholas
25 Seth
26. Michael
27. Gabriel
28. Raphael
29. Jalen
30. Javan
31. Jason
32. Jadon
33. Aidan
34. Andrew
35. Anthony
36. Silas
37. Cyrus
38. Simon
39. Aaron
40. Arthur
41. Alan
42. Steven
43. Felipe
44. Timothy
45. Zachary

All responses to the survey?

Thank you!


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